Cheon Sang Ji Hee The Grace + Teppei

according to stuff posted on the official site and through tenjo mail, "Here" will become a theme song for a japanese drama and movie called "Homeless Middle School Student" based on a true story about a comedian who was homeless during his middle school days. (got that from the summary on d-addicts)the girls and Cliff Edge will be holding a concert on 7/18 at Shinjuku Face.The drama will start airing on 7/12 on Fuji TV and the movie comes out on 10/25the timing is great for the girls, with their singles coming out close to the dates when the drama and movie are released.

Here Official tracklist

7th Single Tenjochiki//CLIFF EDGE
Here2008.10.22 Release

2.Near `thoughtful 1220`
3.Here -Instrumental-
4.Near `thoughtful 1220` -Instrumental-

1.Here Video Clip
2.Near thoughtful 1220` Video Clip
3.Here Video Clip Off Shot

This is the official listing for TENJOCHIKI//CLIFF EDGE's single Here which will be released on 10/22. The information is from the latest Tenjomail which states that if you were to order from the mu-mo site you will receive an autographed postcard. The information on the bottom mentions that this is a first that a song is the feature song for both the drama and movie version of Homeless Middle School Student.the CD/DVD version includes the PV's for both songs on the single and the off shoot for the Here PV.

They got 2 pVs in One single..that's rare..isn't it??

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